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Category: mobile

Created at : 11-20-2018


Gomoku is one of the most famous games in Japan. To win this game, you need to make 5 in a row either in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. It is an enjoyable game to play with friends. The rule is straightforward, but there is a lot to think about to win this game!


I published this app on the Google Play store. It is free!

Open Play Store

Here is the link to the repository on Github

Open Github


Java, XML, Android


I have created the simple UI that users can choose the size of the board, the number of players, the AI level, and who plays first. AI uses my custom evaluation function. I commented out the Min-Max algorithm for future reference to make the AI even stronger. AI results in choosing good moves quickly and beat everyone around me.


  • Learned how to make AI that chooses optimal movements.

  • Became comfortable in Android development

  • Learned a lot about how to make a proper evaluation function after many trials.

  • Learned how to debug (This project required a lot of debugging!)

  • First game project to publish! (I like board games in general, so in the future, I may implement more complex games.)

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